all things new and noteworthy at Haply Robotics.
Enhancing Industrial Painting Through Remote Expertise and Safety with the Inverse3 and UR10
The CTA combined Haply’s Inverse3 haptic controller and a UR10 robotic arm to create a hybrid painting solution, merging robotic precision with intuitive human control.
Advancing Robotic Control: Haply Robotics and BlackBerry QNX Announce Partnership
Haply Robotics joins forces with BlackBerry QNX, blending advanced haptic control with robust real-time operating systems to revolutionize robotic interfaces.
6-Axis Robot Control: Haply's Game Changing Tech Unveiled at CES 2024
Our booth at CES 2024 ill feature live demonstrations of the Inverse3, highlighting its seamless integration and power in robotic control.
Mastering Micro-Automation: Inverse3 Unleashes Full Potential of the Meca500
Mecademic and Haply Robotics have teamed up to deliver a micro-automation solution that performs out-of-the-box.
Are Touch-Enabled Industrial Robots the Future? Try Haply's Inverse3 at AES 2023
The demos we’re showcasing at the Augmented Enterprise Summit 2023 are all about the future of industrial robots. The key here is making industrial robots smarter and more accessible.
Haply at iROS 2023
Our team is gearing up for iROS 2023 in Detroit, and we’d love to meet you!
Haply Robotics Secures $3.5 Million USD Seed Round to Transform Haptic Technology for Medical Training and Beyond
“Haply Robotics’ technology has the potential to meaningfully transform the way that humans interact with digital content,‘’ said Charles Lespérance, Partner, Deep Tech Venture Fund at BDC Capital, and new member on the company’s board.
Haptics and the 3D Internet
What it means for simulation-based training, remote operation, and advanced content design